IPL Photofacial Skin Rejuvenation


Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) photofacial treatments from BeautyNow are highly effective for skin rejuvenation and banishing damage caused by exposing your face to the sun in earlier years. This treatment evens skin tone and creates a more vibrant, youthful appearance for both men and women. If you’ve begun to develop small, dark “age spots”, this is proof of how the sun has begun to damage your skin over the years. The longer you ignore it, the worse it will get, resulting in premature wrinkling, pigmentation changes, and a dull, blotchy appearance, among other skin appearance issues. Fortunately, IPL technology can undo much of your skin’s sun damage, restore a glowing tone, and provide a more vibrant, youthful appearance.

Results that define beauty

Frequently Asked Questions about IPL Photofacial Skin Rejuvenation


Utah's Top
Medspa Team

Contact Beauty Now today to learn more. We perform all types of cosmetic treatments on Salt Lake City-area clients. We look forward to showing you the dramatic results you can obtain using our IPL photofacial technology for skin rejuvenation.

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Beauty now, Beauty forever

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1045 East 3900 South, Suite 202
Salt Lake City, Utah 84124

Thank you for visiting BeautyNow! As one of Utah’s most innovative and luxurious boutique medical practices, we’re excited to learn how we can help you achieve your most beautiful self in the safest, most effective way possible. Contact us today to get a custom beauty plan designed just for you!

  • Tel: (801) 260-3030

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